Saturday, June 5, 2010


hello again!!!

Got some pics from my seashell collection.Mainly from places in asia.(INDP Region)

This collection is from Mauritius. Just went there

during the june hols.The weather there was bearable even though it was winter. Basically, almost every souvenir shop sells seashells.Some places i would recommend would be near flic en flac beach, bellmare, port louis market. However, the prices there are quite expensive. The nautilus at the back is bought from a man who comes to the resort daily(ambre hotel, it is really comfortable) and sells seashells. S$40 by bargaining. really ex. helmet shell cost S$9 at port louis.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Pulau Semakau pics (Sorry 4 the unclear photos)

The knobbly sea star
Polka-dot nudibranch

Some green nudibranch

the cushion star
Hairy Crab
Common Sand Star
Seagrass Lagoon
The blue sponge
The sypnatid sea cucumber
The Sponge

These are the pics I took from Pulau Semakau. Did not really see much as it was raining. Really sad to see so few animals. Other animals that I did not photograph of are the Fluted Giant Clam(Trindacna squamosa) the long-spined urchin and some corals.